SESAR Walking Tour: "Getting AI-head of the weather"
Aniel Jardines, AI Methods
16:00 h | DSNA stand O29
Bad weather can play havoc with the best-laid plans. This is especially true in air traffic management, where poor meteorological conditions are a primary cause for traffic delays in Europe. Performing better during adverse weather relies on timely and accurate forecasts.
Get a taste of what’s in store with the KAIROS project, which is developing a weather forecasting platform designed to enhance predictability of diverse weather phenomena impacting aviation.
See first-hand the project’s prototype which aims to help aviation stakeholders to strategically plan and minimise disruptions to their operations.
The project is supported by the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking and its founding members. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or SESAR 3 JU. Neither the European Union nor the SESAR 3 JU can be held responsible for them.