What is KAIROS?
In ancient Greek the word kairos means 'the right, critical or opportune moment', in modern Greek kairos means ‘weather’. KAIROS perfectly captures the essence of the work proposed as it aims to provide the right stakeholder with critical weather information at the opportune moment.
Aim of the project
KAIROS aims at improving the accuracy and lead time of meteorological information provided to the aviation community by using artificial intelligence. The goal is to provide aviation stakeholders with digital weather forecasts compatible with decision support tools allowing them to mitigate the impacts of weather on their operations. KAIROS will enable a paradigm shift in the way capacity drops due to weather are mitigated at all levels of the airspace systems from the network level to local FMPs and Urban Air Mobility. The KAIROS AI-based weather prediction platform will be an enabling technology that will unlock further operational efficiencies within the airspace system. By providing accurate weather forecasts earlier in the air traffic flow management process, aviation stakeholders will be able to formulate strategies to minimize the disruption to their operations.
Objective 1
Apply artificial intelligence algorithms on available forecast and observation weather data to improve the prediction of several weather phenomena impacting aviation (convective weather, high altitude ice clouds, clear air turbulence, and low visibility).
Success criteria:
AI algorithms show improvement (accuracy and lead time) with respect to weather information available today.
Deployment of AI-based MET models on live data to produce an operational forecast
Objective 2
To assess the potential impact of improved weather information on aviation operations, the AI-based forecast will be integrated with decision support tools and platforms currently used by aviation stakeholders across the airspace system.
Success criteria:
Integration of AI-based forecast into existing operational tools
Perform operational demonstrations