In the pursuit of safer and smarter skies, the KAIROS project, funded under SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, is making remarkable progress. This was evidenced at the last KAIROS End-User Integration Technical Meeting on 19 October.
Continuing ISOBAR's legacy
Building on the work of the previous SESAR project, ISOBAR, it is becoming possible for KAIROS to develop advanced convection models rapidly. First results on these models are expected next month. They will provide a better understanding of convective activity, such as thunderstorms, squalls and other hazardous weather phenomena, which will contribute to improving aviation safety.
From Strategic to tactical
The meeting highlighted the potential of AI to achieve higher granularity for convective predictions. KAIROS will not only provide convection predictions at the network level, but also develop higher resolution models to provide assistance to the TMA and airport areas. This models will provide high spatial-temporal granularity, enabling nowcasting of storms and even provide help make better decisions in local areas where radar coverage is unavailable.
Stay tuned as KAIROS continues its mission to redefine weather prediction in aviation!